Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tre's Pretty Wings is better than yours

I know you've probably heard a million covers of Maxwell's 'Pretty Wings', but this one is definitely worth a listen, slight chill factor. A friend of a friend's son in Melbourne blew me away with this rehearsal footage of him singing 'Pretty Wings', Tre is only about 15 years old too. Mikey Chan on guitar and the lovely Candice Monique has been coaching him.

Friday, August 12, 2011

8 Hours in Brooklyn

“The idea behind this video was to document whatever sort of culture we could find within an 8 hour span with literally no pre-production. I have honestly seen too many slow-motion explosions, face slaps, and popping water baloons, that I thought capturing real culture, and real emotion would be a cool change of pace. My goal was to successfully pull of a few of these shots with a small crew in order to be able to pitch the Phantom Flex for a lot of the documentary work we shoot/produce.” – Next Level

8 Hours in Brooklyn from Next Level Pictures on Vimeo.

via Jungle Gym Magazine