Monday, May 31, 2010

Hello New York, oh how I've missed you!

1 week in New York with my girls Tamia, Amy and Vicki!
Crazy, yes! Self Torture, yes! Worth it, yes!

Saturday 29th May.

After a gruelling 25 hour flight. Melbourne --> Auckland --> Los Angeles --> New York, we landed at 5.30pm and dumped our luggage at our apartment in Harlem and headed straight out to our favourite Spanish spot on the LES and drowned our jet lag in margaritas. Caught up with our friend Kev also. A most promising night, making some new friends and adjusting to the heat and humidity of NY, we passed out at 2am.

Jet-lagged but ready to drink!
Our new friends Royale & Flex

Flex's phone was blowing up, Amy givin him ish

The best frozen margarita's in town

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