Saturday, May 14, 2011


After 1 impatient month of waiting, my Working Visa for Canada has been approved. On the 8th December I will be packing my life into 2 suitcases and making the move to Toronto by myself.

Everyone keeps asking me 'Why?' and I say 'Why not?!'. I'm 30, single and completely enjoying my life right now, we are here to LIVE it, so that is what I'm going to do. After numerous trips to NY over the past 2 years and making some amazing friends, the other side of the world is calling my name. Unfortunately working visa's for the U.S. are tough to come by, so Canada was my next option.

I cannot wait for this next instalment to begin and will hopefully re-ignite my passion for writing. If you're in T.Dot or know some people I can link with, feel free to hit me up.

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