Friday, June 29, 2012

Practice Run

I've just returned to Australia from a 7 month stint overseas. 1 month in NY and 7 months living in Toronto. The plan was to live it up over there for 2 years, but the economy had other things in mind for me. Unfortunately the job market in Toronto is tough as anything right now, and 6 weeks temp work was the most I could find, which meant my savings diminished, so I had to make the decision to move back to Australia.

I can't lie, I'm slightly crushed, but I have no regrets, it was the biggest emotional learning curve for me and I'd like to call it a practice run. My hope and vision of living in the U.S. is still there, and rather than crawling into a ball and crying, I'm remaining positive that I'll make it there one day. Toronto was always there as a stepping stone.

7 months overseas and I struggled to find work, and I've been back here in Australia for 1 week and I start a job on Monday. I'm completely thankful, this work has come as a blessing. I'm not sure what the future has in store, I haven't had time to process things since I arrived back, but a masterplan will soon be in the works.

After spending the past 4 days visiting my close friends in Melbourne, I've nearly got the jet lag beat and am adjusting back to life in Adelaide. Ready for the next episode. Stay tuned...

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