Wednesday, January 27, 2010

$10. Rakim & Mos Def

26th Oct 09

To our delight we see a concert advertised at Ruby Skye. Mos Def & Rakim. Tickets were $10. This blew us away, in Australia we would pay around $80 + to see artists like this in concert. Amy was thrilled to be able see her future husband Mos. The show was incredible and much love to Dan the Automator and DJ Von.

Also Amy and I ventured to Oakland to see En Vogue perform at Yoshi's, no camera's allowed, that show was actually impressive, the ladies looked and sounded as good as ever.

This girl was just to the left of us during the show, she was an incredible sight, knew every lyric to every song and went in hard on the dancemoves. I really wanted to meet her.

Photos by Felis.

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