Monday, January 25, 2010

The Journey Begins - 3 months in the U.S.A.

Friday 23rd October 2009 - San Francisco

I survived my flight. Hallelujah! Much love to Air New Zealand for a great flight and banging music on the plane. I boarded to Tupac and departed to The Alchemist. 17 hours later I arrive at Oakland Airport. Customs was interesting. My customs officer was named 'Brooks', a young military type who possibly had dilled cucumbers stuck up his ass, but I really wasnt surprised.

I waited around at the airport for an hour for Amy to arrive from Los Angeles. I got a tad lost in the airport tromping around with my luggage, finally found the American Airlines arrivals whilst schfitzing up a storm (airports never have decent aircon).

Made it to the hotel, our cab driver commented on how well our English was...

After missing her flight from Vancouver, Felis arrived later that night, was so exciting to see my girls on the other side of the world. Now our hotel is another story. It was possibly appropriate that the hotel we end up booking is in the 'Tenderloin' district, haha. A blog dedicated to the Tenderloin is coming up... But for now a tribute to our hotel 'The Adante' & being in California & the tender loins in this film clip.

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