Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ode to Southpaw

November 2009

We spent a few Saturdays at Southpaw experiencing the glory of the night that is THE RUB (Cosmo Baker & DJ Ayers). This place gets packed to the rim, body to body, sweaty dancefloor awesomeness. My first night there I was obviously not drunk enough and struggled in the crowd for air, luckily we found an escape backstage thanks to Tamir, and danced our asses off.

Like Questlove said, I would love a 'I SURVIVED SOUTHPAW' t-shirt.

The most traumatic part for me was the toilets (see below). Yes, thats right, they are CURTAINS! No doors on the toilet cubicles, just a sheet of material. It was probably the most awkward pee of my life, sitting there afraid someone would peep through.

My tip: If you dont have a friend on the look out for you, make sure your feet are sticking out from under the curtain

Vicki & Tamir stankface backstage

Vicki, Swa & Tamia

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