Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Bowler

These stories are great & extremely sad simultaneously.

Almost two years ago, director Sean Dunne presented to the world the story of Paul Mawhinney who laid claim to the world’s largest collection of records. The talented filmmaker introduces another interesting character in the form of Rocky Salemmo. The eccentric bowler has been hustling his way through bowling alleys across New York with some awesome stories to tell along the way. Here’s his story and the foundation to his personality and swindle.


The Bowler from Sean Dunne on Vimeo.

Sean Price - Let Me Tell You

I have an ongoing fascination with Sean P.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dwele Day brought to you by DJ Rastaroot

If you dont know, Dwele is releasing a new album on Tueday 29th June 2010 named 'W.W.W.' which stands for Wants World Women, in anticipation of the album DJ Rastaroot presents Dwele Day, featuring new and classic tunes, if you're a Dwele fan tune into this stream *SWOONS*

Click here for the stream-

Monday, June 14, 2010

Because I said so

I still declare that the buzzing noise whilst watching the World Cup Soccer is a swarm of killer bees holding the whole competition under hostage. Air Horns my ass!

So my housemates sucked me into watching the final season of Grey's Anatomy, INTENSE! I'm not really one for watching tv series, but that was amazing television. Emmy worthy!

Thanks to Just Blaze, DJ Rastaroot and Phife Dawg for making my week *grins*

This Lakers vs Celtics finals series has me hooked. If the Lakers win a certain DJ friend of mine has some nipple cripples coming his way. Go Celtics!

Track of the week- Gil Scott Heron feat Mos Def - New York Is Killin Me.

Sometimes it is the most unexpected people who can make an impact on my life & they dont even know it. A recent Friday night conversation = inspirational.

I love my friends, I miss New York, I miss HIM, I need a new job!


'Pause' moments of the week courtesy of myself. I'm not sure if I blame jetlag or just sheer delirium. Maybe you had to be there.

#1. Telling my friend to 'just eat around the balls' - in reference to the fish balls in her soup.

#2. Mid phone conversation with a friend, asking what I'm doing- 'I'm eating a furry friend...' - in reference to these cadbury chocolates.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 7 - Homeward bound

Saturday 5th June

A day of sleeping, packing and sadness as our trip came to an end. A 5.30pm flight to JFK, our friendly driver Yuri collects us from the apartment and Sam who we rented from helps us drag our suitcases down the 4 flights of stairs.

Goodbye New York!!!

New York --> Los Angeles --> Sydney --> Melbourne.

25 hours later and we're home. I also spotted who I swear was Mini Daddy on our stopover at LAX, see photo below, he had his shoes kicked off downing a ice cream, the kid was BOSS!

To my ladies, Amy, Tamia and Vicki, what a trip! From last minute planning, and only a 1 week stay it was completely worth it. The week of fun and foolery, you know! So much I cant even mention in this blog, haha. Love you!!! ticktickticktick

To the New York Family-
By now you know how much love we have for you all, such good people and thank you for making us feel so welcome. Beatminerz Crew- Evil Dee, Walt, Wayneski, Bazarro, Esquire, Skinny, Boogie Blind, Dejeanne, more than words, love love love. Will most likely see you all again before the years end. Suley, you have now been initiated into the Aussie Crew, love you girl! To all the Beatminerz Ustreamer's, too many to mention, but so awesome to have met so many of you lovely people. To Jason, Tamir, Kev, Dren, Cee and Lamar, good times as always. To Hip Hop, I love you!

Mini Daddy bein a BOSS!

Things I love about Harlem...

Day 6 - Final Countdown

Friday 4th June

Our last night in New York! Amy and I stayed local for the day and Tamia and Vicki hit the town shopping, it was a fairly epic day for them conquering canal street and century 21. Our Friday night was looking jam packed. Amy, Tamia and I headed to Nokia Theatre to see Mint Condition, Dwele and Laura Izibor. This show was insane, Dwele was amazing, I'm such a big fan, so was a absolute treat for us to see him. Mint Condition blew us away, the band were epic, love love love. After the show we headed back to the apartment to get ready for our night out.

First stop was Ill Banger at Stay Lounge, we met up with Jason & Esquire there, as well as a quick catch up with Melo-X, who was just in Melbourne 2 weeks beforehand. After trying not to melt at Stay Lounge we headed to The Vault to see J Period, Cosmo Baker and 4th Pyramid spin, as well as celebrate Mr Walt's Birthday. We also caught up with our good friend Tamir (Lyrics2Go Entertainment). Suley and Jamila joined us ladies to party along with Mr Walt, Evil Dee, Wayneski, Bazarro, Esquire and Skinny. Thank the lawd for the aircon at The Vault, we danced the night away, and Tamia and Vicki went in on the tequila's, haha.

As the doors closed at The Vault we all headed to Soup & Burger, a 24 hour spot, to eat. As Vicki and I munched on our club sandwich, in walks Just Blaze. I pretty much wet my pants, I'm such a fan, he walks in to say hi to Evil Dee, Walt and the boys and I just quietly freak out in my chair. The girls didn't recognise Just Blaze, so they were strangely looking at me as to why I freaked out, haha. Good times. 6am rolls around and was time for final goodbye's out the front of Soup & Burger. Plenty of hugs and love from the guys, Tamir drives us back to Harlem as the sun is coming up.

Day 5 - 125th

Thursday 3rd June

We decide to leave the apartment early and head up to 125th Street for some shopping. Was so so hot, but shop hopped to keep ourselves cool. Spent a few hours there and before we headed back we went into Starbucks on 125th, waiting in line to order Vicki is pretty sure she spotted Paul Mooney (Chapelle Show) in the line. We take a seat with our drinks and Vicki mustered up the courage to go up to him (not even 100% sure if it was him, lol), after him not hearing her say 'excuse me' 3 times, he turns around yells 'ahhhh' and Vicki yells 'ahhh' and they crack up and become new friends. He was really nice and offered us tix to his show that night, got a photo with him.

We head back to the apartment and nap for the afternoon and lucky me got food poisoning from something we ate earlier in the day, still couldn't figure out what it was, so I was out of action for the rest of the night. We were meant to go and see Keith Murray & CL Smooth at Southpaw, but that didn't happen. Amy and Vicki hit the town and Tamia and I kept our friends Lamar and Travis company for the night.

Day 5 - Beatminerz Studio

Wednesday 2nd June

By now the New York heat was honestly killing us, the heat is so so different to Australian heat and we would dread leaving the apartment every day to get smacked down with the heat and humidity. The girls hit up Manhattan in the afternoon, Tamia and Vicki headed to see SATC movie while Amy and I jumped on a train to Bushwick to the Beatminerz Studio. So good to be back in Brooklyn, and at the studio with our favourite peoples.

Greeted by DJ Mellstarr and Breakbeat Lou when we arrived, as well as Evil Dee, Walt, Skinny, Agony and Bazarro. Wayneski was going in on the 1s and 2s for the Anger Management Show. Tamia and Vicki make their way later from Manhattan and Esquire turns up with a bottle of Ciroc. Amy and I distributed some Aussie friends (stuffed toys, kangaroo, koala etc) to Evil Dee and Walt, some new mascots for the studio. The night ended with us all chillin on the stoop in Bushwick enjoying the breeze and talkin ish. Back to Harlem we go, and the girls insisted on dropping by Whitecastle on the way home, ugh, need I say more.

Dont do it!

Day 4 - Toca Tuesday

Tuesday 1st June

This was the day I had been waiting for, well actually all of us really. Our favourite club night in New York was upon us, Toca Tuesdays at Sutra. On our trip last year this spot was our regular, every week you would have seen our asses on that dance floor. Much love to Tony Touch and the crew for running a quality hip hop night.

Another trip to our Spanish spot for dinner and margaritas and to meet up with our friends Dren, Cee and White Boy. We then made our way to Sutra. I literally had butterflies in my tummy, either that or too many margaritas, haha. We were greeted at Sutra by our fave door guy Shak and hit the dance floor straight away. I spotted Zulu Jeff, who I had seen on the last trip but never met, so introduced myself and had a chat about mutual friends in Melbourne. Soon after that over the mic we hear 'shout outs to Australia in the house' and Tony Touch points our way, much much love. Then appears our good friend Jason Negron, this guy is absolutely the best and was so good to see him. I ran into Lamar, and Crazy Legs and Grand Puba were also in the house.

The rest of the night involved a lot of dancing, and drinking by Tamia and Suley especially. A drive by appearance from Evil Dee and Bazarro also. 4am hometime and Suley is passed out on my shoulder in the cab, lol.

On our way to Sutra

Evil Dee, Tamia & Suley

Myself, Jason, Tamia & Su

Day 3 - Memorial Day Recovery!

Monday 31st May

This was recovery day, slept most of the day then met up with Dejeanne, Suley & Matt for some dinner at Amy Ruths on 116th, a few blocks up from where we were staying. We were soon full of some good good soul food. Dejeanne and Suley came back to the apartment for a chill session and space mountain aka Boogie Blind came over to join us. A bottle of Henny and some greenery later we were all in good spirits. Tamia, Boogie and Suley hit up a bar around the corner to see Sucio Smash spin.

Day 2 - SURPRISE!!

Sunday 30th May

Our main reason for coming to New York was to surprise our fam the Beatminerz Crew, who were celebrating their birthday at Sutra Lounge on the Sunday night. We have so much love for these people we decided to jump on a plane and surprise the hell outta them, haha.

We spent the day sussing out Spanish Harlem, 116th street was our new home for the week. We head to our Spanish spot for dinner, more margaritas downed. Come 10.30pm we walk over to Sutra, and snuck through the doors and made our way to the DJ booth where Wayneski was spinnin. We stood straight in front of the booth and Wayneski looks down and his face literally froze, SURPRISE!!!

We were greeted by all the other crew who were scattered over the club and hugs and laughter ensued and 'wtf are you doing here?'. We made a whole new lot of friends that night and met a lot of the ustream crew. It was great to be re-united with our fave guys Wayneski, Crazy DJ Bazarro, Esquire, Evil Dee, Mr Walt, Skinny and the lovely Dejeanne. It was a real pleasure to meet DJs Dummy, Breakbeat Lou and Cokniodire, much love.

It was a hot mess up in thurr, thats all I can say, haha.

Happy Birthday to the Crew!
Crazy DJ Bazarro & Tamia

Myself with Esquire & Amy

Kasan, Vicki, Myself, Eric & Amy

Mela, Jean, Tamia & Monch

Did I mention it was Fleet Week?