Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 5 - 125th

Thursday 3rd June

We decide to leave the apartment early and head up to 125th Street for some shopping. Was so so hot, but shop hopped to keep ourselves cool. Spent a few hours there and before we headed back we went into Starbucks on 125th, waiting in line to order Vicki is pretty sure she spotted Paul Mooney (Chapelle Show) in the line. We take a seat with our drinks and Vicki mustered up the courage to go up to him (not even 100% sure if it was him, lol), after him not hearing her say 'excuse me' 3 times, he turns around yells 'ahhhh' and Vicki yells 'ahhh' and they crack up and become new friends. He was really nice and offered us tix to his show that night, got a photo with him.

We head back to the apartment and nap for the afternoon and lucky me got food poisoning from something we ate earlier in the day, still couldn't figure out what it was, so I was out of action for the rest of the night. We were meant to go and see Keith Murray & CL Smooth at Southpaw, but that didn't happen. Amy and Vicki hit the town and Tamia and I kept our friends Lamar and Travis company for the night.

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