Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 7 - Homeward bound

Saturday 5th June

A day of sleeping, packing and sadness as our trip came to an end. A 5.30pm flight to JFK, our friendly driver Yuri collects us from the apartment and Sam who we rented from helps us drag our suitcases down the 4 flights of stairs.

Goodbye New York!!!

New York --> Los Angeles --> Sydney --> Melbourne.

25 hours later and we're home. I also spotted who I swear was Mini Daddy on our stopover at LAX, see photo below, he had his shoes kicked off downing a ice cream, the kid was BOSS!

To my ladies, Amy, Tamia and Vicki, what a trip! From last minute planning, and only a 1 week stay it was completely worth it. The week of fun and foolery, you know! So much I cant even mention in this blog, haha. Love you!!! ticktickticktick

To the New York Family-
By now you know how much love we have for you all, such good people and thank you for making us feel so welcome. Beatminerz Crew- Evil Dee, Walt, Wayneski, Bazarro, Esquire, Skinny, Boogie Blind, Dejeanne, more than words, love love love. Will most likely see you all again before the years end. Suley, you have now been initiated into the Aussie Crew, love you girl! To all the Beatminerz Ustreamer's, too many to mention, but so awesome to have met so many of you lovely people. To Jason, Tamir, Kev, Dren, Cee and Lamar, good times as always. To Hip Hop, I love you!

Mini Daddy bein a BOSS!

Things I love about Harlem...

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